Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I didn't know the word "bad" was in Friday.

Well it has been awhile since I wrote, and unfortunately alot has happened. Friday started out good till I was heading home late Friday night and got pulled over. Not only by a cop, but a women cop. She said the reason for me getting pulled over was because of my plates, they came up invalid. I said "what?" I just renewed them, and I am good till February 10th. I showed her the registration and all. Well she must of been out to get me, and asked me to step out of the vehicle. This is after she tells me that it was not my driving that was the reason for the stop. Oh shit. I say. I had been drinking. Ok, well I have a really good tolerance for alcohol, thanks to my ex husband. I never used to drink alot, till I met him. So anyway, for only being 4'11", I can put down some beers and shots and still hang out with the best of them. I think I have amazed some people. So anyway the breathilizer did not come out good I blew a .187. Ok well I am not proud of that, but if you saw me you wouldn't of known and either did the police officer, that showed up later. He was feeling for me, most of those guy cops do. Thank god! A hour goes by and we finally leave and she tells me that they are going to impound my car. I lost it! Now I am a emotional wreck. I have a job, I have a daughter. This is not good. So I get taken down to the cop station. What a loser I felt like. I am a good person who works hard and makes a great living for daughter and myself. This can't be happening to me. Well it did. And I spent the rest of the next day, feeling like a supreme loser. I felt like I had lost all respect from my family and friends. But between my family and friends they really helped me realize that these kind of things don't change who you are, they are just mistakes that can happen to anyone. So now you see where I get my name Scarlett D. My girlfriend Machelle thought of that one on Super Bowl. Yeah, thanks to her. But I do kinda like it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That doesn't make you a bad person at all. We've all driven at some point after having a couple. My best girlfriend from home got pulled over for going over the white line while turning a corner, only to be handed a DUI. It could have happened to any one of us before. No one's going to look at you like you've done something terrible because chances are, they've probably been in the same boat as you before, but were lucky enough not to have a cop pull them over for some stupid reason. Cledus just got pulled over 2 weeks ago when I was with him for having a tail light out. They made him get out of the car and walk the line. I'm rambling. My point is that no one is looking down at you or thinking bad things about you. They're only thinking, "That's really terrible that that happened to her" and realizing that it could've been anyone.

9:01 PM  
Blogger Scarlett D said...

Thank you girls. You are my rocks!

9:01 AM  

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