Wow that was fast!
Gosh I hate it when the weekends go by so fast. And I didn't even get to sleep in this weekend. Friday ended good. Mutual friends of my ex's stopped by to see my place. They really liked it and are so happy on how I am doing. I am proud on how I am doing also. I think it is great when you feel deep down that you made a good decision and you feel good about it! That my friends is called "Inner Peace" And believe me, it doesn't happen very often.
I had Keira this weekend. She is a character. She cracks me up. We played on the bed, and then we chased each other around my apartment pretending we were lions. Roar!
Saturday night I met up with Rebecca and Shawn for her birthday. She is such a sweetie. Such a beautiful woman. I don't get to see her very much, not sure why. There is no excuse there, but we just have never called each other on a frequent basis before. You know, one of those friends. It seems that if we haven't seen each other in a couple months, it only feels like a couple days when we get together. She loves to dance, which is something we have always agreed on. Shawn her boyfriend and father of their child, he is nice, but I have my feelings. He has cheated on her numerous times. Don't get me wrong, he is always nice to me, but that is probably because I can see right through him. And he knows it. But if you knew me, you would know that I am nice to everyone. Even on a bad day. I have a hard time not being nice.
Got to Goodtymes, and started dancing my little tush off. Christina, Nikki, and Nichole, showed up. They were ready to do some dancing like usual. They all are such a kick in the pants!
Rebecca's sister Kathy, gave me so many compliments that night. She was telling me when we walked in all these guys were looking at me. I didn't notice, but how come no one talks to me? Do I look like a snot so something? Who knows. But I just can't walk up to a guy and talk to him or ask him to dance. I am old fashioned. I like it when the guy asks you. Call me crazy, but I don't want to look desperate or look like I am that "drunk girl". So needless to say, no one special that night. No one at all. But that is ok. Kathy did mention to me that she has a friend who is a judge that she would like me to meet. Cool but one catch, he is a bit older. Like early forties she said. Ok wait a minute. I am not sure about that.
I got home a little later then planned but oh, was I tired. Keira woke up not till 7:30am. Which was a blessing. She usually doesn't sleep past 6:30am.
So yesterday was the typical lazy Sunday. Keira and I took a 2 hour nap, and snacked like little piggies all day. Now that is a Sunday well spent.
As far as my m-m goes, he called me Friday night, but I was unable to talk with him since he called at the same time as my company showed up. That was the last I heard from him, till this morning. He called to say good morning. Even though he was on my mind all weekend. I knew he was busy, and so was I. We spoke again at lunch today. He asked how my weekend went. He also asked me if I had met anyone over the weekend. I said no. He didn't believe me. He says I have the "whole package". What a great compliment. He thinks I intimidate some men, and that is why I don't get asked. Huh. How could a little women like me be intimidating?
Teeny, that is dirty.
Ellie, ignore Teeny's comment. Give the judge a shot. So what if he's a little older.
Good morning, you little pole dancer, you!
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