Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Couldn't make it too long

So after I called Matt yesterday morning to invite him over later that night. This is after I told him I needed to move on. I just thought that I wanted to say more to him. He calls to tell me that he can't. He has month end bookkeeping that he has to do. I was really hoping to see him. But oh well. So he has mentioned that he would come over in the morning and bring me a coffee. He said something about 6:00am. So I set my alarm and went out the door to meet Christina at Goodtymes. Met up with her. Have a great time as usual. Then as we are talking this guy comes up and informs us that his friend is on a bacholar party and he is getting married this weekend. So they were needing some pictures and us to sign his shirt with a black marker. Well Christina and I thought up some good sayings and wrote them on his shirt. He had probably a group of 10 guys with him. There was one there that I thought wasn't bad. I mentioned to Christina that he was kinda cute, and I think he heard me becuase he sat right next to me the rest of the time we were there. Nice guys. As Christina is there listening to me talking with Jason, that was his name, she notices something. She asked " Are you married?" I am thinking "no way", not again. What the heck with married guys and me. I mean Matt is the first one, but I am planning to be the last married guy. This guy was definetly not happy in his relationship. He couldn't answer alot of questions that Christina was asking him, but he kept giving me the eye of interest. So as time went by, Christina headed out to Post Falls to meet Mara. I decided to stay. Jason of course stayed also, so it is the two of us for a little while, and then I decided to go home. I only have time for one married guy. Plus Matt is much cuter to me. Jason was out of my head as I hit the door.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you. You deserve so much better than a married man who's straying.

9:43 PM  

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