Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Text Messaging - great in case you don't want to talk.

So last night Dan and I made arrangements to see eachother. He emailed me saying that he would be at my place between 7:00 - 7:30pm. Ok, cool. I kind of blew off a couple things that have been running through my mind that I wanted to talk to him about and just tried to enjoy the night.

Ok, well it is 7:15pm, no Dan.
7:30pm, no Dan, no phone call.
7:45pm, no Dan, still no phone call.

Ok, by 7:55pm I am a bit upset. For the last couple weeks I have felt that I am not important to Dan. He seems to make me feel that "if he has time, he will be there when he get's there." Well I can't handle it anymore. I need to feel important. Especially if he is on my important list, and also if I work on arranging schedules to see him.

7:55pm - I text him on the phone, and just simply say "It's getting late, I will talk to you later."
He text back, "Should I turn around?"
I text back, "Yes, I will call you later."

This upset me. I know weeknights are short, but we usually only see eachother twice a week, and it seems that his other plans don't get disturbed, but ours do.

So I did call him back and express to him how I felt. I told him that I was frustrated with the way things have been. And of course, this blew him sideways. He had no clue.
Amazing how for the last couple days I have been not the same, and he doesn't notice.

We will see, if anything changes. But I need a man to make me feel like he is excited to come and see me, and that he is trying his best to see me as soon as he can. Not this, oh well, when I get there, I get there attitude. So I have kaboshed the making dinner thing for him, since he doesn't get to my place till 8:00pm or so. And I refuse to eat that late at night. I don't think I am out of line here, I think I do have a valid point.

Gosh, dating can be a pain in the ass. Dan and I are only 4 months into it, we should still be having sex like rabbits, not this crap.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are things getting any better? Guys are work. But not respecting your time is a bad deal. Good for you for saying something about it.

And by the way, you should go into your settings on Blogger and put in the word verification feature on the comments. I haven't had any comment spam since I did it.

12:08 AM  

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