Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sky Blue Eyes

When it comes to relationships, maybe we're all in glass houses, and shouldn't throw stones. Because you can never really know. Some people are settling down, some are settling and some people refuse to settle for anything less. Than butterflies...

So... I have met someone. His name is Greg. I just met him on Saturday. Now, what takes me back about this is he is 23. I am almost turning 30 in April and I have never dated a younger man. He is quite handsome, sky blue eyes, dark hair, and not a bad job. He works for a cable company hired by comcast. Well, this was the way we met, which makes me giggle. I had my comcast internet hooked up on saturday afternoon. Well, as fate has it, god made it so I would have a nice handsome gentleman to do it for me. Now, now, I was professional and reserved don't get me wrong. And thankfully I was fully showered, hair done, and dressed.
Now my real name is Eleanore. And as soon as I opened the door, he asks are you Eleanore? And I said yes and noticed, "Oh, cool, a cute one to hook up my cable!"
We instantly were chatting. We spoke about, high schools, pizza, etc. I asked when he graduated and he said 2000. OMG. Well I had thought he was the same age as me. Funny how the world works. For some reason as I keep getting older, I think alot of the people who are around me are the same age or pretty close. Well as he left he turned around and said that he would really like to take me out sometime. I was flattered of course. I figured what the heck, he seemed very sincere and genuine. One of those guys, that you just knew he didn't do this all the time -you know, asking girls out. Well it worked out great and we met up later that night. We had a great time and lots of good talk. Found out alot about him, family, work, etc. And as he did about me.
What is funny is he mentioned that he had no idea what to expect with a name of Eleanore. I asked if he thought I was going to be a 80 year old women who he was going to have show everything to?? He just smiled, and then we both laughed!!
So we will see where this goes. I am not sure what I am exactly looking for right now, but I am sure going to have fun till I get there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He sounds like a sweetie! Keep me updated!

11:42 AM  

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